Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another New Year's Resolution?

Don’t just resolve to make a change, put it that change into action with a powerful intention. Join me for our first Saturday morning yoga class of 2010 where we'll set intentions for a positive year ahead. The New Year is a great time to re-evaluate where you are in your life. Who are you? Is this who you want to be? What do you value? What are your priorities? We’ll begin exploring ways to use your yoga practice as a tool to help you create a life of true bliss. I hope you'll join me. Happy New Year!


No Yoga Class Saturday, December 26.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you January 2, 2010!

The True Meaning of the Holidays

In our melting pot of diverse cultures, spiritual practices, and religions, the holiday season in the United States represents many different things to many different people. Yoga is not a religious practice, but rather a tool to help us to live according to our values and grow spiritually whatever our religious beliefs. Join me in our last Saturday morning yoga class of the year as we use our yoga practice to deepen our own personal spiritual practices.

Austin Miller will be providing soulful drum beats to help us to find peace and love as we connect with the true meaning of the holidays.



Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cultivating Gratitude

Thank you to all of my student yogis. I am truly grateful for each one of you. You shared such a positive energy in class today. I wish you all the most blessed Thanksgiving holiday. Remember to bring awareness to santosha (contentment, being happy and grateful for everything as it is in each moment) this Thanksgiving.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Neti Pot!

Teresa H. sent me this link to a neti pot she found online. It's just like mine, only cheaper! I found it at Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage for $16.00. Thanks for sharing the link Teresa!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Change in schedule.

I am sad to inform you all that due to personal reasons I am no longer able to teach yoga Monday and Wednesday evenings at 5:30. I'm handing these classes over to a fellow yogi and friend, Corrine Andrews. Corrine is a wonderful teacher who has subbed for me several times over the past couple months so she is very familiar with Accolade Fitness and it's yoga students. You are all in great hands. Enjoy your new classes and I hope to see you on Saturdays from 8:30 - 10:00 am.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Neti Pot to Stay Healthy

We talked about the neti pot last Saturday and how it's a great tool to help keep you healthy. Here's a link with information on this very interesting Ayurvedic cleansing practice. Neti pots are becoming more main stream. You can find them in health food stores, Target, Walgreens, etc. I got mine from Natural Grocers, but now have my eye on a copper one! There are many different styles to choose from that range between $10-$20. Watch a demonstration video and learn how the neti pot works. Give it a try and post your comments!

Saturday, October 24, 2009 - Yoga with a Drum Beat

Austin Miller will be joining us again this Saturday bringing live drumming to our yoga flow. We'll explore and become more comfortable listening to our bodies so that we feel more confident in our yoga practice at home. Come experience your own rhythm.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Welcome, Corinne!

Fellow Yogis,

I will be taking a trip to St. Louis this week to visit family and my doctor/mentor, Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman. He is the one who started me on my healing journey, which led me to yoga. I am really looking forward to spending a substantial amount of time on personal healing and growth. This something I strive for in my personal yoga practice, and what I try to offer when teaching. I am looking forward to sharing with you when I return! While I'm away I'm leaving you in good hands. Please welcome Corinne Andrews back to our little yoga community at Accolade Fitness. I am so excited that she has graciously agreed to take care of the following yoga classes while I'm away:

Saturday, October 10, 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Monday, October 12, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, October 14, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

This is a great opportunity for you to receive a new and wonderful yoga experience! You can check out Corinne's website to learn more about her and her Ashtanga/Hatha teaching style at

I will be back to teach starting Saturday, Oct. 17. See you then!

May you be happy.
May you be at peace.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yoga Article

Hi All,

Yoga with Kathy was just featured in an on-line article on! Check out the link for the Colorado Springs Budget Living Examiner article written by Mackenzie Pidgeon. It shares ways to practice yoga on a budget. Maybe it gives you some ideas on how to incorporate a more varied and frequent yoga practice. Let me know what you think!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ayurvedic Medicine

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to our Dosha Yoga class today. It was so much fun! I hope you learned a little more about yourself and have a clearer understanding of how you can nurture yourself more, creating a greater balance in your your lives using Ayurvedic's holistic approach to health. As promised, I've listed a few websites that I find interesting and helpful in understanding Ayurvedic principles and practices (see Ayurvedic Resources in the right column of this blog for links.)

Peace and Happiness,

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lavender Eye Pillows

I just got these lavender eye pillows made so I thought I'd post them for you to see...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to my new yoga blog!

Hi, and welcome! Okay, I've never actually done anything like this before, so it's a learning experience for me. If you're new to this too, then we can learn together. If you're an expert, I'm open to any tips you might have!

A blog is a web-log. It's interactive. I'll be using this blog to post upcoming events as well as discuss a variety of yoga related issues. This is my new newsletter, only it's better because I don't have to wait for an entire newsletter to be completed. I can post things as they come up. The best part is that the entire Accolade Fitness yoga community can get involved. Anyone can comment or ask questions-back and forth. Give it a try by double clicking on the posting title or on the word "comments" below. You can also check out the "Subscribe To" section to the right. I'd love to hear from you!

If you want to follow my blog, meaning that every time I post something you would receive an e-mail notification, then click on the "follow blog" tab at the top of this screen. You always have the option to change your following status if you change your mind.

Check out all the upcoming events!


Regular Class Schedule and Information

Monday: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Yoga classes are reserved for members of Accolade Fitness. Non-members are welcome to attend a first-time class for free. If you're interested in joining this great community you can find more information at


$5 minimum donation requested.

Please sign-in when you enter the yoga room.

Feel free to provide comments, make requests, or ask questions either via this blog or by writing it down and placing it in the donation basket located next to the sign-in sheet.

Class Etiquette:
  • Turn all cell phones off.
  • Shoes are to be removed when you come into the room and placed along the wall.
  • Please be on time. If it's unavoidable, wait outside the door until our beginning meditation has finished, then quietly enter and join us.
  • Respect your neighbor's mat space. Use consideration when placing your mat.
  • Recognize that strong perfumes or odors can bother others. Please avoid wearing scents to class.

September - Free Week of Classes for New Students

Get One Week Free Yoga during National Yoga Month 09.2009

I love sharing the benefits of yoga. What's not to love? This offer is part of the National Yoga Month campaign which is designed to educate, inspire and generate awareness of the positive impact of yoga on health. Visit the National Yoga Month website to sign-up for one free week of yoga during the month of September at participating studios. I'm offering this one week free pass to new students-so spread the word! If you've taken my yoga class before then take this opportunity to check out another studio and style of yoga for free!

New to yoga? Check out this link to learn the many benefits you'll experience with a yoga practice.

*$5 minimum donation requested per class after free week pass.

Saturday, September 19, 2009 - Ute Valley Yoga Hike

Join the Accolade Fitness yoga community for a Saturday morning hike at Ute Valley Park (view map). Experience an organic connection with the earth as we breath in the fresh air and move with nature. We'll begin with a walking meditation as we hike to our destination spot and practice under the morning sun.

This will be a 2-2 1/2 hour event. We'll meet in the parking lot at 8:00 a.m. Remember to wear layers and dress for the weather. Please bring: yoga mat, beach towel to lay under your mat, water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses. I'll provide a yummy snack to refuel our bodies after savasana.

This event will not be canceled in the event of rain or snow. Instead, we'll use it as an opportunity to practice yogic philosophy. The practice will just look different-no mats. :)
To register for this event e-mail me at and type "yoga hike" into the subject line. Provide your name and list the number of participants in your group. Consider providing your cell phone number-to be used only for contacting you if you're not at the trail head at departure time. We don't want to leave anyone behind!

All proceeds will be donated to the National Yoga Month organization, helping to draw attention to the many benefits of yoga and inspire people to live healthier, happier lives.
Hope to see you there!


Saturday, September 26, 2009 - Bring-a-Friend-to-Class Day

Why keep all the great benefits of yoga to yourself? September 26 is bring a friend to class day. Print out a copy of my business card (above) to get your friend in for free! Everyone who brings a friend to class will be entered in a drawing to win a silk eye pillow (filled with flax seeds and lavender) for each of you. These pillows are a great addition to savasana. At home, they can be warmed in the microwave for warming relaxation or chilled in the freezer for cooling relief.

The drawing will be held during class. Good luck!