Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another New Year's Resolution?

Don’t just resolve to make a change, put it that change into action with a powerful intention. Join me for our first Saturday morning yoga class of 2010 where we'll set intentions for a positive year ahead. The New Year is a great time to re-evaluate where you are in your life. Who are you? Is this who you want to be? What do you value? What are your priorities? We’ll begin exploring ways to use your yoga practice as a tool to help you create a life of true bliss. I hope you'll join me. Happy New Year!


No Yoga Class Saturday, December 26.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you January 2, 2010!

The True Meaning of the Holidays

In our melting pot of diverse cultures, spiritual practices, and religions, the holiday season in the United States represents many different things to many different people. Yoga is not a religious practice, but rather a tool to help us to live according to our values and grow spiritually whatever our religious beliefs. Join me in our last Saturday morning yoga class of the year as we use our yoga practice to deepen our own personal spiritual practices.

Austin Miller will be providing soulful drum beats to help us to find peace and love as we connect with the true meaning of the holidays.

