Friday, January 29, 2010

Leaving Accolade

I'm sorry about the last minute post, but I was just called by Accolade Fitness and informed that they're going in a different direction and are going to have someone else teach the Saturday yoga class effective immediately. I'm not sure what their schedule is going to be but wanted to give you a heads up and let you know how honored I've been to practice with you all.

I plan on working towards transitioning back to teaching from my home in a space that is more conducive to the yoga experience. I'll keep you all posted on my future endeavors. I wish you all the very best. Peace to you.



  1. I was so sad this morning, I had the Mr. Biggs cards ready to give to you and everything...I didn't check my email till after I found out. I can't wait for you to start at home... I don't think i'll be doing Saturday yoga anymore...I've had and loved a lot of teachers, but this one isn't for me :(

  2. Michelle,

    Sorry your Saturday experience wasn't better for you. You'll be creating your own experience soon enough... but don't forget to take time for your own practice! Keep in touch!


  3. Hi Kathy, please keep me on your mailing list.
    My life was still so busy and I was planning to see you this coming saturday. :-(
    Best wishes! Namaste, Monika

  4. Monika,

    I will definitely keep you on my contact list. Thank you and everyone else that has contacted me in support. Peace and love to you all!

